Fieldcraft and Analysis

A collection of articles, how-to's, and analysis pieces on working in a hostile environment.

VIP Pre-Travel Checklist

A pre-travel checklist for VIPs or high value targets. This guide can also be used if you are going to be engaging in a higher risk activity or role. It is worth refreshing at least once every year or two. read more...

Secure Messaging with a Hacked Phone

When facing the risk of your phone being compromised, due to travel or other factors, a bit of preparation can enable you to communicate securely, even if your phone is hacked. read more...

Andrew Huang on Trusted Hardware

Andrew Huang's excellent post (and talk) on the challenges of securing complex systems with today's supply chains. It's also a good primer on their motivation for the BeTrusted project, which is an exciting effort, parallel to our own. read more...

Googles Effort to Secure Computing

This is Google's effort to address some of the problems mentioned in Andrew Huangs piece on trusting hardware. It is a positive step in the right direction and potentially usefull to others. read more...

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